In excess of 800 airmen served on No. 450 Squadron during 1941-1945. The bulk of their details has been taken from the 450 Squadron Nominal Roll compiled by Len Barton in 1989 and amended by George James in 1990—both veterans of No. 450 Squadron. Further additions and amendments have been made possible by the surviving Desert Harassers®, the Children of the 450, the National Archives of Australia and the ongoing efforts of our historian Doug Norrie.
Key personnel have passed away—records are scattered—and when located they are often incomplete.
In many cases Service Numbers or initials do not agree. In some instances new pilots, on arrival to the Squadron, were given flying tests and if considered in need of further training were immediately sent back to O.T.U., therefore it is inevitable that some errors or omissions may occur in this roll.
From time to time several R.A.F. ground staff were posted to the Squadron. It has not been possible to ascertain particulars of these men, consequently only a few of them are included in this list.
Should you have proof of any personnel missing from this list please make contact with us, thank you.
The main sources consulted were:-
- 450 Squadron Operational Order No. 1 dated 2/4/1941. Embarkation Roll
- 450 Squadron Personnel Occurrence Reports. (RAAF Records, Canberra)
- 450 Squadron's Operational Diary RAAF History Section, Canberra
- 450 Squadron's Unofficial Diary (five volumes) Australian War Memorial, Canberra
- 450 Squadron Disbandment Order RAAF Records, Canberra
- 450 Squadron Casualty Register Australian War Memorial, Canberra
- Personal War Diaries of the veterans of No. 450 Squadron